Fortron Source Power Group FSP200-50GSV-5K (85): a 200W dwarf

Load testing

Loading +5 V SB

As always, all load testing is done according to our testing methodology. The voltage regulation and ripple suppression is quite nice. Efficiency is about average, 73-74 %, I see no problems here.

Output (W)  Load (A) Voltage (V)/ ripple (mV) Input (W) Efficiency/power factor
0 0 5.086/2.960 0 —/0.033
9.36 1.89 4.953/3.520 12.56 74.5 %/0.515
16.03 3.30 4.865/2.960 21.88 73.3 %/0.565


+5 V SB ripple (left to right): 0 A; 1.89 A; 3.30 A

Hold-up time

As we can see on the oscilloscope screenshot, the hold-up time of the FSP200-50GSV-5K (85) +12 V rail appears to be just barely over the ATX minimum of 17 ms…that is actually quite nice with the tiny input capacitor. It seems that FSP indeed is (usually) quite efficient utilising only small capacitor charge.

The hold-up time of the power good signal is noticeably shorter and this time it does not reach the ATX minimum (16 ms), but 14.24 ms is still on the higher side between all the other units we have tested so far.

While interrupting the power for the exact 14.2 ms, we can see the output is not affected at all, very nice.

Combined loading

Combined loading was OK for the FSP200-50GSV-5K (85). The voltage regulation of positive rails is just within 4 % so nothing spectacular, though that is mostly the case of +3.3V rail, the others show better values. It’s load regulation is nice, just the line regulation is slightly off, which is also the case of the negative -12V rail.

Output power Load/ voltage +5 V SB Load/ voltage +3.3 V Load/ voltage +5 V Load/ voltage +12 V Load/ voltage −12 V Input power Efficiency/ power factor
13 %/ 25.28 W 0 A/ 5.055 V 0.009 A/ 3.423 V 0.227 A/ 5.076 V 1.800 A/ 12.061 V 0.212 A/ −11.305 V 33.25 W 76.0 %/ 0.564
20 %/ 47.15 W 0.534 A/ 5.007 V 1.518 A/ 3.421 V 1.386 A/ 5.043 V 2.47 A/ 12.109 V 0.210 A/ −11.375 V 57.86 W 81.5 %/ 0.789
40 %/ 81.51 W 1.004 A/ 4.968 V 2.92 A/ 3.421 V 3.23 A/ 5.022 V 3.95 A/ 12.123 V 0.212 A/ −11.437 V 97.48 W 83.6 %/ 0.927
60 %/ 111.30 W 1.00 A/ 4.942 V 4.15 A/ 3.421 V 4.69 A/ 5.018 V 5.46 A/ 12.123 V 0.212 A/ −11.480 V 132.5 W 84.0 %/ 0.967
80 %/ 157.55 W 1.46 A/ 4.898 V 5.28 A/ 3.422 V 5.84 A/ 5.034 V 8.34 A/ 12.050 V 0.211 A/ −11.546 V 190.1 W 82.9 %/ 0.980
100 %/ 198.92 W 1.82 A/ 4.877 V 5.58 A/ 3.422 V 7.64 A/ 5.033 V 10.81 A/ 12.027 V 0.214 A/ −11.619 V 241.0 W 82.5 %/ 0.983

The efficiency peaks at 84 %, with my currently low efficiency measurement accuracy I think it can indeed reach 85 %. For the rated power and being more like value unit, these are reasonable figures.

Combined loading ripple

The ripple values of the FSP200-50GSV-5K (85) are quite nice. We are often hitting high-end values so there is not much to comment here. So I think two extra points would be fair for what we see, but not more, the +12V ripple could still be somewhat lower.

Output %  Ripple +5 V SB Ripple +3.3 V Ripple +5 V Ripple +12 V Ripple −12 V
13 6.800 mV 13.60 mV 12.80 mV 26.40 mV 10.80 mV
20 15.20 mV 10.40 mV 5.600 mV 28.00 mV 22.40 mV
40 18.80 mV 14.40 mV 6.000 mV 34.80 mV 20.40 mV
60 18.40 mV 9.200 mV 9.200 mV 33.20 mV 13.60 mV
80 16.80 mV 13.60 mV 9.200 mV 36.40 mV 20.80 mV
100 23.60 mV 20.40 mV 9.600 mV 40.40 mV 22.80 mV


Ripple 13% load (left to right): +5 V SB; +3.3 V; +5 V; −12 V. The second channel is connected to +12 V.


Ripple 100% load (left to right): +5 V SB; +3.3 V; +5 V; −12 V. The second channel is connected to +12 V.

Crossloading, overloading

Crossloading tests were the worst, as could be expected from group design. But I am quite positively surprised that this group-design unit actually passed crossloading tests in spec! And the regulation still stayed within 4 %, that is not the best, but far too many units were much worse.

Output power Load/ voltage +5 V SB Load/ voltage +3.3 V Load/ voltage +5 V Load/ voltage +12 V Load/ voltage −12 V Input power Efficiency/ power factor
40 %/ 79.93 W 0.511 A/ 4.958 V 13.50 A/  3.421 V 1.359 A/ 5.030 V 1.819 A/ 12.130 V 0.205 A/ −11.314 V 103.7 W 77.1 %/ 0.938
54 %/ 108.33 W 0.523 A/ 4.965 V 1.497 A/ 3.422 V 15.49 A/ 4.811 V  1.904 A/  12.427 V 0.210 A/ −11.582 V 133.6 W 81.1 %/ 0.968
92 %/ 184.69 W 0.528 A/ 4.965 V 1.502 A/ 3.422 V 1.429 A/ 5.190 V 14.20 A/ 11.761 V 0.218 A/ −11.527 V 222.3 W 83.1 %/ 0.982

As for protections, well we have the usual. No OCP and the OPP is not really that much working anyway. I do not exactly remember how much I have pulled from the unit, it was over 250 W for sure, but in the end the voltages just sunk and the unit finally shut down with less than 9.7 V on the +12 V rail. Nothing we have not seen before, from FSP especially.

Crossloading, overloading ripple

Here the ripple was pretty much the same, I think we can add one more point.

Output % Ripple +5 V SB Ripple +3.3 V Ripple +5 V Ripple +12 V Ripple −12 V
40 16.80 mV 11.20 mV 15.20 mV 28.00 mV 32.80 mV
54 14.00 mV 6.400 mV 10.00 mV 24.00 mV 17.60 mV
92 18.80 mV 6.800 mV 9.200 mV 32.80 mV 21.60 mV

Fan speed, temperatures and noise

The fan inside the FSP200-50GSV-5K (85) started spinning right when the unit powered on. Initially it stayed at approx. 2000 RPM, then the speed increased, up to over 3400 under full load. The fan is audible even at the minimum speed in a silent room (at 39.0 dBA ambient according to our meter) though this is barely noticeable for ordinary user. At about 2500 RPM it gets worse and over 3000 RPM it really gets somewhat noisy.

Output % Fan speed (RPM) Temperature intake/ outtake Noise (dBA)
13 2044 21 °C/ 25 °C 39.1
20 2034 20 °C/ 31 °C 39.1
40 2032 20 °C/ 38 °C 39.1
60 2068 21 °C/ 46 °C 39.1
80 2621 21 °C/ 52 °C 39.7
100 3421 23 °C/ 52 °C 41.3
CL 40 2701 20 °C/ 52 °C 39.7
CL 54 2441 22 °C/ 48 °C 39.4
CL 92 2929 22 °C/ 47 °C 40.2

I even put the unit to the sweater and it survived fine, though the fan speed increased to what seems to be a maximum, 4659 RPM, plus the temperature on the outtake reached 56 °C. Overall the temperature is not really that low, the capacitors will definitely not like that, also the fan positioning actually creates pockets of hot air trapped inside the unit.

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