Never heard this brand before and i would like to tell me if you know anything about it
I looked at the internet for reviews but didn't find something

c_hegge wrote:I've never heard of them. I prefer APC myself.
c_hegge wrote:Does the sound change depending on whether the PC is on or off? If not, then it probably won't make a difference. It could be a transformer hum (which happens either when there is excessive ripple going through one of the transformer's windings, or the windings are loose, and are vibrating at an audible frequency), much like coil whine in a PSU.
c_hegge wrote:^
It depends on the sound. If it's more of a hum, then it's probably just loose windings vibrating at mains frequency (50-60Hz), which is probably nothing to worry about. If it's more of a whine, then it's more likely to be higher than normal ripple going through the coils. That may be more of an issue, depending on what's causing it.
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