If you break the rules, this is what will happen:
1st time: Warning (or Infraction)
2nd time: Temporary Ban (length may vary)
3rd time: Permanent Ban…
If you are just a spammer or troll, we will skip the warning and temporary banning, and ban you permanently!
The rules
- No Spam!!! That includes posts, images or signatures clearly meant only to promote goods or services.
- Bear in mind that this is a public forum, so foul language should be kept to a bare minimum. We'll let the occasional word slide, but never direct it at another user.
- No thread hijacking! Please do your best to keep threads on topic. A little deviation is fine, but if the thread goes from, for example, some thread about hard drives, to a political debate, we will close the thread or split the topic.
- Before starting a new thread, check if someone has already made a thread about the relevant topic. Redundant threads may be merged or deleted.
- Keep it civil!! There will be no tolerance for flaming, trolling, hateful remarks, racial remarks, porn of any kind, and so on.
You cannot get an exemption from practicing the Golden Rule (especially if you believe in it), so don't request one. - Do not discuss political/societal topics in a superficial, shallow manner. The world already has far too many problems with that.
- Do not insult, question, or otherwise challenge the rights or abilities of either the administrators or moderators.
However, if you see a mod clearly acting in defiance of these rules, you may report the event to an admin to be taken under control. - Be tolerant of some users' varying ability/knowledge levels. Please don't tell someone they posted a stupid question, because we're sure that you had the same question too at some point!
- Do not encourage dangerous conduct. If you suggest something unsafe, we may have to intervene as with other violations.
(SMPS repair is fine here as long as the advice isn't wrong, but information on repairing any more dangerous items – such as microwave ovens – should always include explicit warnings.) - Don't be hypocritical in general. We can't handle much hypocrisy, especially not LongRunner
- Please fill out your location in the Profile section of your User Control Panel.
- Please DO NOT send me or another user a PM question. Ask it in a thread where everybody can help you.
- No "warez" directly here in the forums, nor links to sites hosting them. You can discuss such topics in reasonable manner.
Also, no links or images that contain adware, spyware, or other malware. - Signatures cannot have any images larger than 500×90 plus 2 lines of text. Or, without images, you can have 7 lines of text.
Forum Staff may be allowed larger sigs on a case-by-case basis (contact administrator)
We also recommend reading this general advice (applicable to anything you post on the Internet).