Here is software that has proven useful to us, and is legally obtainable without spending any money. (Why didn't I just title this thread "Recommended Free Software"? Because the word "free" has two distinct meanings which are otherwise, inevitably, blurred together; availability at no cost, as in "free beer", and liberty, as in "free speech". All of what is called "free software" in "common" parlance, is free in the "free beer" sense, but only some of it is free in the "free speech" sense. Richard Stallman explains in more detail and depth.)
Where available, links are to the software author's own site, as this is (normally) the safest against malware (and general crapware). If the official location is no longer available/functional, links to Wayback Machine or a reputable software archive will be used instead. HTTPS (secure) addresses are used, where supported by the relevant site(s).
Categories (click a link to go to a post)
Internet (IM, Torrent, Web)
Multimedia editing
Multimedia viewing/playback
Miscellaneous (anything not in another category)
If you have additional suggestions (I'll be particularly interested in free-as-in-freedom, or at least open-source, alternatives to closed-source programs listed), questions, malware warnings, or just general commentary, please reply with them/it. However, do not waste screen space conversing about things irrelevant to this topic.
History of this thread:
v0.1 (initial) listed foobar2000, GIMP, InfraRecorder, Inkscape, LibreOffice, Malwarebytes, Opera 12, Paint.NET, Pidgin, qBittorrent, and SRWare Iron
v0.2 (2017-06-23) added 7-Zip, Audacity, Notepad++ and SumatraPDF
v0.3 (2017-08-22) added SpeedCrunch and XYplorer
v0.4 (2017-10-17) deleted SRWare Iron (as it seems to be a bit of a scam)
v0.5 (2018-02-11) made separate posts per category, this post becoming the index; added Pale Moon
v0.6 (2018-02-13) added uBlock Origin
v0.7 (2018-02-14) added WinCDEmu, mentioned (but not explicitly recommended) Easy 7-Zip
v0.8 (2018-03-09) replaced Paint.NET with Pinta (I could have done this earlier, but stuck with Paint.NET out of habit )
v0.9 (2018-03-13) added (good old) DVD Shrink
v0.10 (2023-11-26) added Return YouTube Dislike, Audacious, Aegisub, Gnumeric; fixed a few broken links
v0.11 (2023-12-18) added license information after the software names
v0.12 (2023-12-19) edited post links so they don't have to reload