There is a Texas Instruments TL3843P on the primary. Uses an 80mm fan on the rear and 120mm for exhaust. All caps were Canicon/CS/JEE/GL. Only one CS cap and two GL caps. The 2200µF 6.3V CS cap failed on the 3.3V after the coil. I think for two reasons: It was physically touching the -12V output rectifier, and it was 8mmx20mm. Seems small, must be GP (No series printed on it) The only other caps that failed was the 100µF 10V JEE on the -5V rail, and both 4700µF 10V Canicon on the 5V filtering. I was blown away that botth 3300µF 16V JEE on the 12V filtering were okay. They tested 3367µF 0.02Ω and 3412µF 0.02Ω. Those caps I put in are 30mm tall, so look how big that those toroids are! The heatsinks are huge too.
So on the 5VSB, it looks like they used two minimum load resistors, and one is on the bottom. Anyone know why they would do this? Can I just remove the one on the bottom? I wrote down what's what so that you can get a better reference. The 5VSB works, but it runs very hot. Let me know if you guys want to see more pictures of the unit.
On a side note, what do you guys think the PSU is capable of? I think it looks pretty solid. The soldering is horrendous though, I'm working on it.