So I have a ClearOS router in my room, which is run on an old machine.
Intel D815EEA
Pentium III 933MHz Coppermine
3x 128MB PC133
GeForce MX440 32MB
Two DVD drives
Seagate Barracuda ATA IV 40GB (With 81,800 POH!)
80mm intake fan
Pixxo (Zumax/Topower) realistically 350W PSU. The PSU is double forward, with most of its power on the 12V, and it has two rails with a 20A schottky each. The 5V and 3.3V both have a 30A schottky. I figured this shouldn't be a problem, maybe it just doesn't like the dual 12V rail system?
The thing idles almost all the time, even when pumping 7mB/s from the internet through it. The 5V sits at 5.04V, and the 12V (molex) idles at 12.28V. Occasionally the CPU will spike for a few seconds to 20% usage, and at this time the 5V will drop to 4.96V and the 12V will go up to12.49V. Does this indicate that it really doesn't like this system? It's annoying because when this happens I will hear the fans rev up and then down again.
Oh you know what.....I just checked the 3.3V while typing out this post and it's 3.50V Time to find a half bridge. Is there any reason why some PSU's just hate crossloading so much?