You may have heard of counterfeit extension cords. I haven't seen one of those in person, but I have seen counterfeit IEC320 cords.
One variety is branded "DHT Tech". Measuring the resistance on two of them gave these results:
Cord 1
All three lines: 1.2Ω
Cord 2
Live and neutral: 0.5Ω
Earth: 2.0Ω
In comparison, a real 1.0mm² power cord gave <0.1Ω on all lines.
At least they didn't mix up the wires. But the resistance measurements are worrying. If you run 10A through counterfeit cord 1, you get 240W dissipated in the cord. Not something you'd want to do - unless you like starting fires.
They get away with it because PCs don't draw that much power. At 2A you would get only 9.6W dissipated in counterfeit cord 1. The presence of counterfeits may be why they often warn against actions that aren't dangerous if done properly, like running a heater through an extension cord.
Another brand of dangerous power cables is Fan-Jet. I've also seen a few unbranded ones.
If you discover another type of counterfeit power cable, post it here.