I am taking over BOINC Team CZ

July 13th, 2015, 12:45 pm
by Behemot
I took over the rotting team on Rosetta@home, 4 more are on the way, possibly more. I also made the BOINC-wide team.
New page is on my website.
Everybody join!

Re: I am taking over BOINC Team CZ

February 20th, 2016, 4:46 am
by Behemot
BOINC Team CZ reached TOP300 at WUProp, TOP500 at POEM and we are couple hundred thousands credits from reaching TOP500 under Rosetta. Everybody is welcome to help any research!
Re: I am taking over BOINC Team CZ

July 14th, 2016, 9:22 pm
by Behemot
We are in TOP500 at Rosetta! Join us in protein research!