by lujtg75 » October 27th, 2024, 1:07 pm
14 hours left and we are in 15th place now.
But stilll 75K ahead of 21st place.
62K ahead of 20th place.
50K ahead of 19th place (Chaos). Chaos has spent some 40+K worth of medals. So,they should not have 50K left.
42K ahead of 18th place (Kador). They have spent their War 7 medals. I do not believe that they have a reserve of medals.
So, I think we are still in good shape to not have to spend any more medals.
But worse case, I will open up one of the salukies that were used last season and access their 22900 medals. (or if I am pretty
sure that 3500 to 7000 will do it, I can use lujtg74 and/of lujtg78)