HWI Smutstone guild (war thread)

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Re: HWI Smutstone guild (war thread)

Postby lujtg75 » January 19th, 2025, 1:21 pm

There is no reason to logon. I am covering the needed medals with saluki85.

blabla11 spent theirs. Our remaining 10,500 medals would not be enough to make top 20. So, I have went with plan 2.
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Re: HWI Smutstone guild (war thread)

Postby lujtg75 » January 21st, 2025, 3:04 pm

Here are the Troop counts for Round 5.

Yellow snipe quickly at the end of Round 4 in the last 30 seconds to retake their homecells. We may need too go rather large in
Round 5 to eliminate them from the board again.

We are responsible to take 53, 55, 62 and 64. And we need to defend 66.

HItest88 will is responsible for 52, 54, 63, and 65. And they will defend 61 as well.

I expect that it may take 100K or more for the towers. And maybe 50K for 53 and 54. 62, 63, 64 and 65 may be cheaper probably less than 35K.

61 and 66 I am not sure about. They score well, but are not that valuable from a strategic point of view.

12 - 100
14 - 965
21 - 135
23 - 230
25 - 85
31 - 140
33 - 110
35 - 90
41 - 135
43 - 90
45 - 135
51 - 2835
53 - 160
55 - 120
62 - 29575
64 - 13095
65 - 620 (not for us to take though)

Any help you can provide would be appreciated, especially if you can be available at the end of the Prep Phase to help with any sniping
that Yellow tries. We should also be careful, since Blue may suddenly appear at some point during the War.
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Re: HWI Smutstone guild (war thread)

Postby lujtg75 » January 23rd, 2025, 1:05 pm

I am ready; for new Raw troop counts for War 2.
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Re: HWI Smutstone guild (war thread)

Postby Behemot » January 31st, 2025, 1:02 pm

721770, 1158855, 757580, 392035
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Re: HWI Smutstone guild (war thread)

Postby Behemot » February 4th, 2025, 3:45 pm

1201635, 768675
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Re: HWI Smutstone guild (war thread)

Postby lujtg75 » February 14th, 2025, 11:03 am

Here are the troop counts for after Round 4 for Round 5.

We got every cell that we were attacking for Round 4 except for 24. I was fighting out with Yellow and had over 50K there, but Red must have sniped
very late to beat us out. I also had to reinforce multiple time against Yellow to get the center cells. So, my Light cards are getting very low.

I have 3 7-card sets worth ~84K, 3 minor 5 card sets worth ~36K and miscellaneous Light cards worth 47K. So with each of the 2 center cells currently
having over 100K each, I will not be able to take both of the center cells from Yellow. I could probably get 44, 34 is an unknown, because Blue may
finally get involved in attacking the center cells?

Any help that you and/or blabla11 can provide will be greatly appreciated.

11 - 105
13 - 105
15 - 0
22 - 95
23 - 20
24 - 13180
31 - 21795
34 - 103550
42 - 16205
44 - 111490
53 - 15130
54 - 52480
61 - 19705
63 - 23045
65 - 0

I do still have 588K Raw troop counts left.
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Re: HWI Smutstone guild (war thread)

Postby lujtg75 » February 16th, 2025, 2:59 pm

Just over 10 hours to go.

We remain in 12th place (HItest88 in 13th place) with a 320K and 310K lead respectively over 21st place.

So, there is absolutely no chance of us dropping out of the top 20. (less than .01%)

lujtg78 has not collected their medals for Season 42 and show should have over 30K to spend for Season 43.

lujtg74 has over 20K medals collected but not spent. I am going to see how much of that I can get spent for Season 43.

Here is how that works:

1. At 10 minutes before the end of the Season the medal spending is frozen. (the Green Guild Shop tags are turned Gray)

2. At exactly the end of the season, the Grayed out buttons are turned Green and medals can be spent. But if you spend medals before
step three they are lost and do not count.

3. At 5 to 15 seconds after the start of the new season, the program finally clears out the previous season bonuses on the Guild shop page.

4. As soon as Step #3 (see above) occurs you can start spending left over Medals from the previous season. These medals spent count towards the
the score for the new season, and these new bonuses count towards the new season.

5. At about 35 seconds to 55 seconds after the start of the new season the program finally comes around and zeroes out any remaining unspent
collected medals. Then the program immediately awards the Medals and Arcane card dups earned from the Previous season.

To the best of my determination that will leave me between 20 to 40 seconds to spend remain medals. But you have to be on top of things to get
this done. One time only I did not manage to get any medals spent. This may have been an issue with how they are implementing these steps.

It may be the case that the software does steps 3, 4 and 5 one Guild or Guild member at a time, sequentially. Hence, the one time I did not get any medals
spent, it might have been a case of the Guild member I was working with was at the end of step 3 and then at the very beginning of Step 5. Meaning I may have
only had a handful of seconds to spend medals.
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Re: HWI Smutstone guild (war thread)

Postby lujtg75 » February 17th, 2025, 12:15 pm


The new season has started and we have started out with a difficult War.

Yellow (Amarta) is a very tough opponent. They finished last season in 34th position. HItest88 faced off against them in War 7. The following is my
analysis of Yellow's playing strategy.

1. They will get over 90% of their troops placed during the War.
2. They will have troops available for every Round. (Including Round 9)
3. They do reinforce and defend once they feel that they may not win. Prior to that, they may be willing to trade cells.
4. Normally when taking cells they send significant troops. They can sent 100+K to take towers, 140+K to take center cells, 25+K to take
center access cells and corners, and 15+K troops to take home cells. (The following numbers may go down some for War 1 when their Raw troop
power has been decreased.)
5 When defending cells, they normally just send an extra 1K to 2K extra.
6. I have not seen them send anticipation snipes. So, late snipes in the last 25 to 30 seconds should work.

Blue finished last season in 7th place, but that was mainly based on Gem mining. But they do play, I just do not believe that play that well. They have not started
their Gem mining yet. So they probably have 30% less Raw troops than we do.

I do not have any information on Red. They have never been a top 60 team. I suspect that they may have the most Raw troop power of the 4 teams. But I have no
idea how well they play.

Other things to consider, they will not have suffered as much of a decline of Raw Troop power as us, on the other hand, we have spend more medals starting
the New season. So, we probably have 10% fewer Raw troops than Yellow, but we do have some level 3 items, so we should have more placeable for the 8
color bonus cells. (Center and towers.)

Other interesting aspects of this War is that both Red and Blue have participated in Round 1. So, we may have some support from Red in Round 2 to distract
Yellow. But then again we have Blue to deal with in Round 2, so that may be a wash.

I had to snipe 4 cells at the end of the Round to take them.
blabla11 sent to take the 6 cells in Round 1. But I had to snipe reinforce our attacks on 16, 52, 55, 66. Both Blue and Yellow had sent enough troops to defeat
the troops that we sent to those 4 cells.

Basically, I believe that I will need support from both yourself and/or blabla11 in almost every round.

Also, I may want to get Raw troop count numbers right away so that I try to match us up with HItest88 for War 2.
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Re: HWI Smutstone guild (war thread)

Postby lujtg75 » February 17th, 2025, 4:30 pm

i am assuming that it is just me for Round 2. I will see if I can snipe everything in the last 45 seconds.
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Re: HWI Smutstone guild (war thread)

Postby Behemot » February 17th, 2025, 9:20 pm

Covered some but had to go sleep afterwards. What are the numbers now?
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