by lujtg75 » February 17th, 2025, 12:15 pm
The new season has started and we have started out with a difficult War.
Yellow (Amarta) is a very tough opponent. They finished last season in 34th position. HItest88 faced off against them in War 7. The following is my
analysis of Yellow's playing strategy.
1. They will get over 90% of their troops placed during the War.
2. They will have troops available for every Round. (Including Round 9)
3. They do reinforce and defend once they feel that they may not win. Prior to that, they may be willing to trade cells.
4. Normally when taking cells they send significant troops. They can sent 100+K to take towers, 140+K to take center cells, 25+K to take
center access cells and corners, and 15+K troops to take home cells. (The following numbers may go down some for War 1 when their Raw troop
power has been decreased.)
5 When defending cells, they normally just send an extra 1K to 2K extra.
6. I have not seen them send anticipation snipes. So, late snipes in the last 25 to 30 seconds should work.
Blue finished last season in 7th place, but that was mainly based on Gem mining. But they do play, I just do not believe that play that well. They have not started
their Gem mining yet. So they probably have 30% less Raw troops than we do.
I do not have any information on Red. They have never been a top 60 team. I suspect that they may have the most Raw troop power of the 4 teams. But I have no
idea how well they play.
Other things to consider, they will not have suffered as much of a decline of Raw Troop power as us, on the other hand, we have spend more medals starting
the New season. So, we probably have 10% fewer Raw troops than Yellow, but we do have some level 3 items, so we should have more placeable for the 8
color bonus cells. (Center and towers.)
Other interesting aspects of this War is that both Red and Blue have participated in Round 1. So, we may have some support from Red in Round 2 to distract
Yellow. But then again we have Blue to deal with in Round 2, so that may be a wash.
I had to snipe 4 cells at the end of the Round to take them.
blabla11 sent to take the 6 cells in Round 1. But I had to snipe reinforce our attacks on 16, 52, 55, 66. Both Blue and Yellow had sent enough troops to defeat
the troops that we sent to those 4 cells.
Basically, I believe that I will need support from both yourself and/or blabla11 in almost every round.
Also, I may want to get Raw troop count numbers right away so that I try to match us up with HItest88 for War 2.