HWI Smutstone guild (war thread)

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HWI Smutstone guild (war thread)

Postby Behemot » January 14th, 2022, 12:05 pm

This is the topic regarding HardwareInsights guild on Smutstone. General information, rules and, for the time being, discussion, as I don't expect many members in the beginning, not to say many coming here since there is no way to inform guild members that this even exists :group:

General rules:
1. only players with 100k+ troop power are accepted
2. only players who show activity at least couple times in the war are accepted to (and kept in) the guild!
3. each member has to register here, watch news and discuss strategy
4. read information about the war mechanics on the Smutstone wiki so you have at least a general idea what's going on
5. if at least a little bit possible, do not throw all forces into some single cell in the beginning of the war, every 3 rounds a plague comes decimating 50 % of the force in each cell
6. watch for bonuses regarding card colors (more at wiki) and use your forces conservatively so if possible, you have card of appropriate color to put onto a cell where you get bonus
7. always put at least partially complete decks to battle cells for deck bonuses
8. refreshing stats at about half the battle timer reveals the results already, if any guild member is around in that time, capture or write down enemy forces within each available battle cell so the players, who will not be available to put forces in the preparation phase, could at least make a guess where it is best to put their forces (so they won't put e. g. 30k to a cell where enemy has 70k and we could avoid that); post it here in the thread
9. higly-valued cells are top priority (4 in the middle and 4 near each corner), but if possible, especially sniping in the last 3 minutes of preparation phase for only a minor troop force (in terms of thousands), get any cell possible
10. for now, do not buy anything in the guild shop; info when and for what to spend medals will be announced here
11. always obey guild master (that's me, Behemot2077)
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Re: HWI Smutstone guild

Postby Behemot » January 17th, 2022, 8:53 am


the usual
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Re: HWI Smutstone guild (war thread)

Postby Behemot » August 16th, 2024, 3:41 pm

cleaned the thread

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Re: HWI Smutstone guild (war thread)

Postby lujtg75 » August 20th, 2024, 11:21 am

I believe it is time for an updated troop counts. Hopefully we have moved up enough that I can have a decent chance to match us back up with HItest88 for War 5.
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Re: HWI Smutstone guild (war thread)

Postby Behemot » August 20th, 2024, 1:20 pm

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Re: HWI Smutstone guild (war thread)

Postby lujtg75 » August 21st, 2024, 1:22 am

Could you give me another troop count update, before I spend my medals.

Somehow, we were put in a War with a higher Marauder strength than HItest88. I had our Marauder strength at about 300 below HItest88. (It was around 500+ Marauder strength lower, before I made some event card upgrades, that I thought would close the gap to a little more than 300.)

If I am right then it proves a theory that I have been working on that the Devs may be grouping Guilds by groups of 8 or 12 or even 16 and then randomly matching the Guilds within that subset of Guilds for Guiod matching.
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Re: HWI Smutstone guild (war thread)

Postby lujtg75 » August 23rd, 2024, 2:22 pm

There was no action until the very end of the Prep phase in Round 7.

Blue started attacking finally, and then I tried to take the Blue cells that they were attacking from. But Blue snipe blocked me at the very end for 35.

But now we have some scoring opportunities for Round 7, and if they attack again in Round 7, maybe we can get a reasonable score in Round 9 and manage to
get into the high 50Ks, but really I think we will be lucky to score 54K or 55 K.

Troop counts:

14 - 6590
16 - 305
23 - 3965
26 - 3695
34 - 3865
35 - 5715
46 - 1015
55 - 3600
56 - 3120
62 - 0
65 - 0

This round there is no reason to hold back, so I will go large enough to get these cells, (assuming that blabla11 does not do so).
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Re: HWI Smutstone guild (war thread)

Postby lujtg75 » August 24th, 2024, 2:24 pm

If possible please provide me with an update on troop counts!

Round 9 in the last War was a little surprising. blabla11 had sent all of their troops
after Round 8 for Round 9. Virtually all cells were defended with over 50K. 300K to take 52 and
90K to take 35.

So, I did not expect to have to do anything. But Yellow sent out more troops than they had sent
in the first 8 Rounds. Blue also sent out a lot of troops. So when I checked in with about 8 minutes
to go, I had to spend about 6 minutes dumping my troops out to reinforce all of the cells we
needed to defend. I took them all back up to 50K more than Yellow and Blue had on their attacks.
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Re: HWI Smutstone guild (war thread)

Postby lujtg75 » August 28th, 2024, 11:09 am

I guess I still need updated troop counts for our Guild members!
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Re: HWI Smutstone guild (war thread)

Postby Behemot » August 28th, 2024, 12:26 pm

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