Here are my thoughts though you might not like them. I believe that we have 2 basic options at this point regard where we go with
Option 1. We can stick it out and see if we can keep out top 50 position. Or if we lose it we can see if we can recover it in Season 22. Getting rid of blabla11
should bring us down to a more manageable weight class, but we still need to add an 8th team and work with them to see if they work out.
Option 2. We can abandon HardwareInsights and move our 3 teams over to HItest88. I have the medals and am about ready to spend some of them to make sure
that HItest88 stays in the top 50.
Option 1:
Pros: a. You get to to continue on with HardwareInsights.
b. We can continue to support the dependable players on HardwareInsights. Most notably Tayhara and srgiv.
Cons: a. If we do not make top 50 it may be very hard for us to recapture and move back into the top 50. We may need a little luck with getting
to face teams that will allow us to score well. And we may even need to back off a season or two before we can break back into the top 50.
b. We will have to deal with integrating in a new Team member. lujtg75 will stay with HItest88 until that is accomplished.
c. You will have to continue to be available for a lot of Rounds to place the Flag. And since we will still be in the 70+K Marauder territory,
each War will continue to be a grind to get the best score possible. Not as bad as it is now with GooseEm and the other Guilds with their
very active snipers, but still a long row to hoe.
Option 2:
Pros: a. We are all pretty sure of getting our 5 Eleven Queen dups here in Season 21. I have not spent any medals yet, but I am about to do so.
b. We will be moving down a couple of weight class to around the 60K Marauder strength. We should still have some pretty active Guilds to
compete against to get good scores, but they will not be as powerful, nor will they get as high a percentage of their troops placed as we
are currently seeing. Instead of 4.2 Million Raw troop power for our guild it will be more like a little over 3M, I am guessing.
c. You will not need to be available for some of the Rounds. We will depend a little more on you for Rounds 3, 6, and 9, and if you can
pitch in sometimes for 1, 4, and 7 that would be great. Especially if there is heavy late sniping occurring.
d. This will speed up my testing of whether it is possible for us to get to the top 20. I need some weak teams to add to HItest77. Then I can test
to see whether or not I can transfer medals from one Guild to another. I suspect that this is what some of the top Guilds are doing. Not the Gem
mining that Wanderer2020 always talked about. That would require hundreds of alt accts. I may be able to get away with just 8 alt accounts on
HITest77 to see if I can transfer over some 160K medals a season. I am not sure if that is enough. But it is close to what is needed extra to make
top 20. I really think that we might need 300K extra just to be sure. That might mean that we could be top 20 every other season.
Cons: a. HardwareInsights would go the way of the Dodo bird. blabla11 would become Guildmaster and within a couple of season the other team members
would probably jump ship.
b. We would be really letting down Tayhara (not a real good player, but our first and always dependable) and srgiv who I believe is very good and
dependable player. There is also 1 of the Big hitters that plays well and sends out concise attacks usually. But I am not sure that they are always playing
the game when we need them.
I am in a Chicago suburb. Hence it is 3:54AM here. I got up to be a spoiler to team MightyHarddicks who were in 50th place going into round 6. Now after I took two center squares from them and a couple of other cells as well. They are in 53rd place 34 points out of 50th place. I think I might be able to drop them one more place in round 7. Small joys in life. Not sure anyone else on the team I am on have any troops left. They threw them all away early on. Wasted them in many cases. I used up lujtg76, but held my troops in lujtg74 until round 6. Now I am going to see how much damage I can do to MightyHarddicks, ignoring the other 2 teams. Might even even be able to pull Spartans (that is the Spartans with a Capital "S", there is another spartans with a small "s", we are now in 73 place.) into first place in this War. Currently we are 9 points behind MightyHarddicks in the War. So, my first priority is to take MightyHarddicks down a notch and my second priority is to win this War for the medals.
What did I do. Well I have a masters in Mathematics. But for work I was in Telecommunications. I started off as a software engineer. But for the last 15 years that I worked, I was a problems solver. I did a lot of overseas work in the far East, when new switching systems went in to make sure they were up and running properly. I have been retired now for more than 20 years. They made me an offer I could not refuse, as they said in the Godfather. So, I retired at the ripe old age of 45.