Yeah yeah yeah...I'm probably going to get secretly flamed for this, but, you know what, I don't care.
A little background history for those of you who aren't familiar with the situation:
1. No need to read this, you won't understand.
2. I was banned from the forum at for a multitude of reasons that I'm not going to get into right now because if you're reading this thread you probably already know it all.
OK, so here's what I want to say:
To all members of forum that had to witness some of the shit I posted on there: I'm sorry to everybody who was involved, everybody who tried to help, and to the person who ultimately helped even though it was a way I wasn't particularly happy about. I'm sorry to the member that was on here for a while but who I banned for making a statement that bothered me. I apologize to the member who is really stuck between this and I hope you follow your heart in the decision(s) you make as far as staying on both sites.
I'm sorry to the people at forum that were exposed to some of my anger and frustration.
Apologies to some of the people at for the rude way that I handled some of your BS (yes it was BS; especially after your stupid crap about a suicide policy which fucked up my chances at getting back onto in any reasonable time frame). But sorry to the innocent people over there anyway...
And sorry to everybody else, for the strange way that I act sometimes; I've gone through some therapy lately (not that it helped but that's a whole different thing), and I think I've matured a bit. And I appreciate that some of you read this up until this point, and there are some people at that deserve more than just "sorry" so if any of you ever want Premium Membership here (once I've finished setting that up), it's on the house for you for life.
But it's up to you guys to decide how you're going to take it, but, take it however feels right to you (whether you consider this an honest apology* or total bullshit is your call).
*I recommend this option. But that's just me.
-Michael Staake