Remember how I have nothing but trouble with Hellstra and their pathetic internet service??? Well, now there's something a bit more...worrying.
I mentioned a bit about it here. A key difference from the older 3G device is that the AC760S features a lithium-ion battery (as opposed to its predecessor, which could only be powered from a mains-connected supply)...which is where the trouble continues from.
Now the battery in question (model "W-3", rated at 3.7V 2000mAh) is bulging. The internal cells (2 in parallel) bear the model number LP553446ARU, which leads here (sorry, but you haven't exactly built my dreams...). Also, if it's any indication of what's happened, there's what looks like a tin whisker very close to the monitor board. I still think it's more probable that they're just crap batteries, though. Now the spare battery is installed, but my experience with these units suggests that there's about a 20% chance that it'll happen again. Have any of you seen it???