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Enermax MaxPro 600 W (EMP600AGT) review

PostPosted: July 3rd, 2016, 3:11 pm
by Behemot

Re: Enermax MaxPro 600 W (EMP600AGT) review

PostPosted: July 4th, 2016, 11:35 pm
by LongRunner
Wow, what a complete pile of :poop:.

Frankly, I think a shift away from bundling a new power cord with each new appliance (aside from those that need the cord permanently fixed to them for whatever reason) is quite overdue, and I'd be more than happy with that part if they would simply provide sufficiently clear, prominent indications (both on their website and the box) that the cord has to be gotten from elsewhere.

BTW, you said:
Behemot (in the review) wrote:…two ceramic X capacitors…
I've fixed that, but be a bit more careful not to do it again, OK? :lol2:

Re: Enermax MaxPro 600 W (EMP600AGT) review

PostPosted: July 5th, 2016, 1:11 am
by Behemot
I've talked to the Enermax rep, he reminded me that the cable is normally there, they just needed it for their booth. I've completelly forgotten about that…it's been corrected.