It uses a single-transistor forward design with a now rather charred ST Microelectronics W9NK90Z MOSFET as the switching transistor, rated for up to 8A at 25°C and 5A at 100°C.
Actually, the FQAF11N90C doesn't even have a metal tab whilst the STW9NK90Z does, which is why the STW9NK90Z has a higher power dissipation limit than the FQAF11N90C does (160W vs. 120W), so I would say the STW9NK90Z is more capable. I think there are two reasons as to why the Hipro does better - one, the better primary heatsink, but two, a more aggressive fan controller. I don't know if it's the case of the ATX-300-12Z but I have a ATX0300D5WC with the same fan and even at relatively high loads (below 200W) the fan doesn't rev up much at all beyond its default speed (which I would estimate in my case to be between 1300RPM and 1325RPM) until I reach very high loads (200W-250W+) and even then it doesn't spin that fast relative to its full speed (3000RPM, it might max out at around 2000-2200RPM, or about a 70% duty cycle). That being said, it is extremely quiet for the amount of air it moves, probably because of its very effective blade design. Anyway, I guess the fan controller in these 300W Bestecs is just a little too slow in speeding up to compensate for the augmenting heat output.... thus why it exploded at 405W (the passive PFC in the reviewed unit might also hinder some airflow to the secondary, or my mistake, primary side). Could also be that the unhealthy amount of conductive glue splattered over the secondary side worsens its performance. The 16 gauge wires of the Hipro also help (compared to the Bestec's 18 gauge wires).LongRunner wrote:It uses a single-transistor forward design with a now rather charred ST Microelectronics W9NK90Z MOSFET as the switching transistor, rated for up to 8A at 25°C and 5A at 100°C.
Odd, that's actually higher rated than the FQAF11N90C used in Hipro HP-D3057F3H. Any other explanation for why it blew??? The one I can think of is that, as with some of their integrated circuits, maybe ST = Suicidal Trash and their parts aren't as reliable as their competitors'.
Also, the +3.3V is rated for 28A, not 19A, so the rectifier for it isn't over-specified.
Wester547 wrote:Could also be that the unhealthy amount of conductive glue splattered over the secondary side worsens its performance.
The 16 gauge wires of the Hipro also help (compared to the Bestec's 18 gauge wires).
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