I started, then I sort of got busy with a few other things.
Now I want to make Android apps...
guess what programming language it uses?
JAVA!!! YAY! two birds with one stone (or more like two pigs with one bird in Angry Birds)
Anyway, so far I plan to make (I'm starting easy here, lol)
-RootTest (simply checks if you're device is rooted)
-Panic Button (if the user is in a dangerous situation, they just have to launch the app, and put their hand in their pocket with a finger on the screen. If they let go, it calls a preset number of their choice (or the police)...)...
-Hardware insights (basically this will access a special mobile version of the site made specifically for the app and will give users a notification when new blog posts are added or a forum thread they watched is updated...or something like that)
-Screenshot for non-rooted phone (I need to figure out how to take a screenshot on phones without root access. It's something Android phones have been missing forever. And most of the exiting screenshot apps for root phones are ugly as fuck)
Anyway those should be easy enough to make, and during making and of course updating/maintaining those, it will help me to learn the ropes I guess.
Then I can move on to more advanced stuff that's actually fun/useful/profitable. In the process, I'll learn Java, then I can make a full desktop game with a mobile version

Anybody else here have experience making Android apps? I see that you have to pay $25 to register on the Android Market so I'm going to wait until I've made my first app and made it perfect before I submit it...
I'll be able to test each app on three devices (the third one has yet to arrive from eBay)
-HTC Inpsire 4G phone rooted with Android 4.0
-Acer Iconia Tab A100 with Android 3.2 (not rooted)
-shitty generic tablet with Android 2.2
Chances are, if my apps work on all those then it will work on almost everything