Database of UPS inverter output waveforms

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Re: Database of UPS inverter output waveforms

Postby Behemot » December 6th, 2018, 7:42 am

From what I know, it's very similar with APC here. Besides buying APC direct with their insane online prices, even the official distribution channels give you higher prices if you come to them as a small business interested in reselling than what can you buy it for in retail shops. From what I heard, there is lot of stuff coming from Germany and especially Poland, where they often source it in large quantities for "projects" (where each corporation gladly provides some extra discounts) only for that to end in retail who knows where. So I would not really care, as long as the shop looks trustworthy enough and works for more than few months, it should be OK.

It's the same with components, servers, enterprise network devices etc., pretty much everywhere.

As I said, I'd stay away from the RS/Pro series. The Eaton Ellipse ECO is pretty much the same function-wise, there's not much to make up for the price. I have not heard about many bad Eaton units, though that may be just because they are not so common around here. Though their share declines, APC is still having the largest portion of the local market.
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Re: Database of UPS inverter output waveforms

Postby strawbale » December 6th, 2018, 8:54 am

Thanks again!!

Sorry, yes misread about not going for the newest APC BR Pro series either.
Ellipse ECO is off-line, Ellipse PRO is line interactive (square-ish). Off-line is not too risky then?

Eaton 5SC500/750i, the one where you found only half (positive) sine, is also within my budget, but have not found spare battery suppliers (yet). Is that a better choice than the Eaton Ellipse Pro, you think?
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Re: Database of UPS inverter output waveforms

Postby Behemot » December 6th, 2018, 9:48 am

Technologically, sure. As for off-line, it just switches to inverter if the supply line parameters go off. Line-interactive can correct undervoltage and overvoltage within certain boundaries.

Don't you want some of my refurbished units? I do have about two EUR pallets just waiting to be refurbished, I can think of for example the BR1000I which you already have, so you can also take the cabling from it and use it as extended runtime pack :group: There's lot of truck or other drivers regularly going to France, I think this is doable. Which part are you from? :shy:
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Re: Database of UPS inverter output waveforms

Postby strawbale » December 6th, 2018, 11:20 am

French Pyrenees, South of Toulouse

BR1000i is the sine wave one tested on this page? https://www.hardwareinsights.com/databa ... tric-other
But are there still replacement batteries to find for that old model?
Edit: found replacement battery: 100€ (incl postage)
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Re: Database of UPS inverter output waveforms

Postby Behemot » December 6th, 2018, 12:21 pm

Oh man, I barely see, been doing some demolition in the next room, gotta clean me glasses lol. I'll ask around, isn't there Airbus in Toulouse? It's possible I'll find somebody who drives components in there :)

BR1000I is the tall one, uprated variant of that BR800FR which died on you. It has fan for active cooling and also connector for hooking external battery back. The czech and french are the same, just that we have, according to older norm, switched phase and neutral conductors. However, according to latest harmonised norms, which should also apply in France, it does not matter where the phase and neutral are (left or right), as long as it is the same within the whole building. Just the protective ground (chassis) must be on the center pin.

Don't care about any of the "original" packs, when you'll need to replace that, all you need to buy is two 9Ah pieces (I suggest Panasonic UP-VW1245P1) and some ductape. The "APC original" pack consists usually of Long batteries packed in a foil with APC sticker on it, and 100% premium on price. But I'll send ya the UPS with them Panasonics :D
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Re: Database of UPS inverter output waveforms

Postby strawbale » December 6th, 2018, 12:37 pm

I'm (also) tempted by the Eaton 5SC 500i (tower version) 500VA / 350W sine wave is enough for me: 150€ (2 years) or 240€ with extended warranty for ups and battery for 5 years, free delivery and on-site warranty. Spare battery 35€.
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Re: Database of UPS inverter output waveforms

Postby Behemot » December 6th, 2018, 1:00 pm

I still have one SU700INET for refurbishment to HW World Edition for 5999,- CZK with 3y basic warranty and additional warranty up to 20 years if you like :D My versions with them 9Ah Pannies last more than 11 minutes under rated active load (420 W). Some of them also seem to provide 700 watts as active power :clap:

Also looks like there's an SC620I in one of the piles.
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Re: Database of UPS inverter output waveforms

Postby strawbale » December 6th, 2018, 1:21 pm

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Re: Database of UPS inverter output waveforms

Postby strawbale » December 13th, 2018, 11:46 am

Update: Went for the Eaton 5SC500 sine wave UPS (tower model) in the end (150€, free delivery).

As it has IEC connection and my equipement all have EC/FR plugs, what's the best way of connecting them:

a couple of those: https://www.amazon.fr/NAME-Adaptateur-I ... op?ie=UTF8

or all in one of them: https://www.amazon.fr/DEXLAN-TUPS034-Mu ... B000P1KSG0
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Re: Database of UPS inverter output waveforms

Postby Behemot » December 13th, 2018, 12:01 pm

Interesting price, though the rated runtime is quite short (under 5 minutes at full load), likely only has single accumulator.

You can use one adapter/extender, the IEC C13/C14 pair is rated 10 A max but that UPS only provides 350 W or 1,52 A @230 V so it does not matter.
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