Gigabyte PoweRock 400W Power Supply Review

Load Testing

Test 1 (73.54W Load)

Rail Load Voltage Ripple
12V 2.3A 12.34V 9.4mV
5V 5.01A 5.01V 7.4mV
3.3V 4.88A 3.32V 5.8mV
-12V 0.1A -12.11V 9.2mV
5Vsb 0.5A 5.12V 6.6mV
AC Power 89.4W
Efficiency 82.25%
Power Factor 0.87
Intake Temp 20°C
Exhaust Temp 21°C


Test 2 (122.14W Load)

Rail Load Voltage Ripple
12V 4.7A 12.28V 10.2mV
5V 5.0A 5.0V 8.4mV
3.3V 10.0A 3.3V 7.2mV
-12V 0.1A -12.13V 10.0mV
5Vsb 1.02A 5.01V 7.6mV
AC Power 144.3
Efficiency 84.65%
Power Factor 0.93
Intake Temp 21°C
Exhaust Temp 22°C


Test 3 (204.78W Load)

Rail Load Voltage Ripple
12V 9.5A 12.27V 11.8mV
5V 9.92A 4.96V 9.4mV
3.3V 9.94A 3.28V 8.4mV
-12V 0.1A -12.26V 12.0mV
5Vsb 1.02A 5.08V 7.6mV
AC Power 236.6W
Efficiency 86.55%
Power Factor 0.95
Intake Temp 22°C
Exhaust Temp 23°C


Test 4 (259.5W Load)

Rail Load Voltage Ripple
12V 14.0A 12.25V 18.2mV
5V 9.92A 4.96V 9.8mV
3.3V 9.91A 3.27V 9.0mV
-12V 0.1A -12.28V 13.4mV
5Vsb 1.01A 5.07V 7.6mV
AC Power 298.9W
Efficiency 86.82%
Power Factor 0.97
Intake Temp 22°C
Exhaust Temp 24°C


Test 5 (308.71W Load)

Rail Load Voltage Ripple
12V 18.3A 12.06V 21.8mV
5V 9.94A 4.97V 10.2mV
3.3V 9.88A 3.26V 9.2mV
-12V 0.1A -12.31V 15.2mV
5Vsb 1.01A 5.07V 7.8mV
AC Power 358.0W
Efficiency 86.23%
Power Factor 0.97
Intake Temp 23°C
Exhaust Temp 25°C


Test 6 (363.19W Load)

Rail Load Voltage Ripple
12V 22.9A 12.0V 24.6mV
5V 9.96A 4.98V 11.2mV
3.3V 9.91A 3.27V 10.2mV
-12V 0.1A -12.32V 17.2mV
5Vsb 1.01A 5.06V 9.0mV
AC Power 427.0W
Efficiency 85.06%
Power Factor 0.97
Intake Temp 24°C
Exhaust Temp 27°C


Test 7 (419.81W Load)

Rail Load Voltage Ripple
12V 27.7A 11.95V 30.6mV
5V 10.0A 5.0V 12.8mV
3.3V 9.91A 3.27V 12.4mV
-12V 0.1A 12.34V 21.4mV
5Vsb 1.01A 5.06V 11.8mV
AC Power 495.2W
Efficiency 84.78%
Power Factor 0.97
Intake Temp 25°C
Exhaust Temp 28°C


Overload Test (511.17W Load)

Rail Load Voltage Ripple
12V 34.5A 11.88V 35.2mV
5V 10.02A 5.01V 17.2mV
3.3V 9.88A 3.26V 13.8mV
-12V 0.3A -12.21V 26.8mV
5Vsb 3.0A 5.03V 15.2mV
AC Power 613.5W
Efficiency 83.32%
Power Factor 0.97
Intake Temp 27°C
Exhaust Temp 30°C


The 12V rail started out at 12.34V in Test 1 and dropped to 11.95V at full load. This equates to a 0.34V (2.8%) regulation, and a drop of 0.39V, or 3.25%. The 5V rail varied between 4.96V and 5.01V, giving us 0.04V (0.8%) regulation and a 0.05V, or 1% variation. the 3.3V rail started at 3.32 and dropped to 3.27V at full load, giving us 0.03V (0.9%) regulation and a 0.05V (1.5%) drop. That’s a great result on the 5V and 3.3V rails, but there is room for improvement on the 12V rail. It would be nice if it too could manage a drop of less than 2%.

The efficiency was excellent, peaking at nearly 87%. I was able to overload the power supply to just over 510W. If I attempted to load it any higher, the ripple on the 12V and 5V rails would go through the roof, indicating that the unit had stopped working correctly. If I attempted to go higher again, the unit would shut down. While it is good to see the OPP doing its job, it would be preferable to set it somewhat lower, so that it would trip before the ripple increase. That’s a minor issue, though, since we are asking the power supply to do something the manufacturer never claimed it could.

Rail Test (419.81W) Overload Test (511.17W)
12V  powerock-test7-12v  powerock-ol-12v
5V  powerock-test7-5v  powerock-ol-5v
3.3V  powerock-test7-3.3v  powerock-ol-3.3v
-12V  powerock-test7--12v  powerock-ol--12v
5Vsb  powerock-test7-5vsb  powerock-ol-5vsb


The ripple was very well suppressed with the power supply loaded to under 500W, staying well below half the maximum allowed at all times. In fact, for the most part, it was below a quarter of the maximum.

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