Poly-Modding: Does it actually work?

Abit IS-10

The Original capacitors


Abit has tried to do the right thing here and use reliable Japanese capacitors. On the CPU VRM in, the motherboard uses three 1200µF 16V Rubycon ZL capacitors and on the VRM out, there are seven 3300µF 6.3V Rubycon MBZs. Elsewhere, there are seven 1000µF 6.3V Chemi-con TMZ series capacitors. Chemi-con do not publish the specifications for the TMZ series and they are comparatively rare, but it is known that they are affected by the problem that plagues the KZG and KZJ series. None of these capacitors are currently bulging and the board is working just fine, but I’ll enhance it anyway.

The replacement capacitors

I had several Nichicon FPCAP 1000µF 6.3V capacitors left over from the HP dx5150, which were used to replace Chemi-con TMZs on this motherboard. The CPU VRM in and out respectively got 470uF 16V and 1500µF 6.3V polymer replacements.

Role Qty. Original Value Replacement
CPU VRM in 3 1200µF 16V Rubycon MBZ 470µF 16V Nichicon LF
CPU VRM out 7 3300µF 6.3V Rubycon MBZ 1500µF 6.3V Chemi-Con PSC
Other 7 1000µF 6.3V Chemi-Con TMZ 1000µF 6.3V Nichicon FPCAP L8



Keen eyed observers may note that I gave this motherboard an additional enhancement. I replaced the chipset heat sink because the original one was very short and would get extremely hot.

The Stress-Testing

Test Result
Prime95 In-Place FFTs Pass
Prime95 Small FFTs Pass
Prime95 Blend Pass
Memtest86+ Pass
Folding@home Pass


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