by lujtg75 » January 5th, 2025, 12:00 pm
After you covered all of Blue's cells that we had access to, we were lucky that they actually attacked in Round 4. Otherwise, we would be
looking at a much smaller score going forward. Be that as it may,,,, we definitely should take 11, 22, 33, and 43 here in Round 5. Some of the other
cells (especially 42) we should probably wait until we verify that Blue is attacking in Round 5, before we take them.
Here are the troop counts for Round 5:
11 - 2830
13 - 8370
22 - ? (I missed the troop count for 22. It may be pretty large, but the Flag would be better on 43.)
31 - 4465
33 - 82530
42 - 1305
43 - 99590
51 - 6590
56 - 110
62 - 9200
63 - 5030
64 - 0
65 - 0