by lujtg75 » January 17th, 2025, 3:22 pm
Surprisingly, I am going to ask for Raw Troop counts very early.
This is due to the end of the Event and the end of the Season coming up. So, I need a lot of lead time to see if there are any
actions I need to take to equalize the Guilds for Season 42 - War 1.
Any actions that I need to take, need to be taken before the end of War 7. (Since, most teams may need to skip collecting
their medals for the War.
I will write up my plans for the end of the Season soon. We may be sort of screwed and I may need to collect 100K worth of
medals when I may only need 20K or less. Partly this depends on what I see going on in the next few Rounds of War 7. (not
with us, but with some of the other Guilds that are in front of us, or just behind us)
There has been 3 Guilds (4 actually) that have bought their way in front of us in the last couple of days. Hence, our drop out
of the top 20.
TheBeast and Nepal spent some 550K to 650K worth of medals a couple of days ago and are currently in 6th and 12th place respecitively
are our of range for us to catch them. (We could but it would be a waste of Medals.)
"Absolution" spent something like 450K to 500K worth of medals a couple of days ago and are currently in 20th place. But only 9K
ahead of us. We are almost for sure going to pass them up by around Round 7, unless they spend more medals. But if they win their
War they will have the medals to pass us back up after the War is over.
S60cool spent 177K medals at the end of War 6 and are in 19th place and are 10K ahead of us. We should also pass them us by around Round 8.
But similar to "Absolution" if they win their War, they will have the Medals to pass us back up after the end of War 7.
So, unless something changes, it is likely that I will have to collect saluki85"s ~100K medals in order for us to end up in the top 20.
I will figure this all out later.